RMP Sources, Pathways, and Loadings Workgroup Meeting

The meeting focused on the review of recently completed projects and progress on small tributaries loading strategy (STLS) tasks:

  1. Presentation of findings from water year 2011 watershed reconnaissance study and how information was used to select bottom of the watershed POC loads monitoring stations
  2. Review water year 2012 POC loads monitoring sampling plan
  3. Updates on regional watershed spreadsheet model development: hydrological structure and EMC literature review

RMP Sport Fish Workgroup Meeting

The sport fish workgroup will discuss the design of future RMP sport fish sampling efforts. The meeting will also include updates on other activities related to contaminants in Bay sport fish, such as the DPH work on exposure reduction, and the completion of the SWAMP Coast Survey.

RMP Emerging Contaminants and Exposure and Effects Workgroups combined meeting

The joint meeting with the Exposure and Effects (EE) and Emerging Contaminants (EC) workgroups provided a forum for updates on activities in each workgroup, as well as discussion of future studies that bridge the workgroup areas. This discussion focused on the proposed application of bioanalytical tools to monitoring of estrogenic contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), and was generally supported by the workgroups.

RMP Technical Review Committee Meeting

The TRC received updates on nutrients and modeling efforts and seasonal small fish sampling, and discussed both the 2013 RMP update (Pulse Lite) and proposals for 2013 pilot and special studies.

2011 Pulse of the Estuary: Pollutant Effects on Aquatic Life

The Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in the San Francisco Estuary is an innovative collaboration of the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, the regulated discharger community, and the San Francisco Estuary Institute. It provides water quality regulators with information they need to manage the Estuary effectively. The Program issues a report each year that presents the latest results from monitoring and addresses a theme related to a timely water quality topic. The theme for 2011 is "Pollutant Effects on Aquatic Life".

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