RMP Dioxin Strategy Meeting

Dioxin data for Bay surface water, sediment, sediment cores, sport fish, tributary loadings, and air deposition were presented. The group discussed the current state of dioxin knowledge and future data needs for management purposes.

Nutrients Strategy Meeting

The goals of this meeting were to:

  • Discuss organization and near-term activities (6 month timeframe) of nutrient strategy workgroup;
  • Provide feedback on SF Bay draft nutrient strategy, including management questions, goals, and feedback and refinement of priority activities over a five-year planning period;
  • Provide feedback on concept proposal to the RMP

State of San Francisco Bay 2011 Report

Released at the State of the Estuary 2011 Conference, The State of San Francisco Bay 2011 presents a science-based assessment of the health of San Francisco Bay. The authors reviewed available data and developed methods for evaluating the status and trends of the Bay’s vital signs. By providing all interested parties with these results, the broader community can consider whether resource managers, regulators, and citizens are taking enough of the right actions to protect the Bay.

Nutrients Science Strategy Session

The goal for this meeting was to develop a preliminary outline for a monitoring program for nutrients in the Bay. A Powerpoint and summary memorandum outlining major elements of a nutrients strategy will be developed based on the outcomes of the meeting. The memorandum will be used by the RMP to support development of the Nutrient Strategy, by BACWA to explain to member agencies the need for nutrient monitoring, and by the Water Board in development of an NNE workplan.

RMP Technical Review Committee Meeting

The TRC discussed possibilities for reducing the Status and Trends component of the RMP, reviewed the proposal for nutrients work in 2012, and discussed possibilities for funds freed up from the discontinuation of a USGS SSC station. Updates were presented on dissolved oxygen profiles in the Bay, aquatic toxicity, the development of ambient sediment thresholds, as well as the 2011 Pulse and Annual Meeting.

RMP Steering Committee Meeting

The Steering Committee will review the proposed special studies for 2012 and discuss the upcoming RMP annual meeting.

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