Development of Benthic Community Indices for Mesohaline Environments

Benthic community assessment is often used as an indicator of ecosystem condition and has become a central element of regulatory programs such as the California’s sediment quality objectives for bays and estuaries. Benthos are the indicators of choice for monitoring and assessment for several reasons, including:

Moored Sensor Monitoring Program for Nutrients

The indications of decreased Bay resilience to high nutrient loads have come to the fore at a time when the availability of resources to continue assessing the Bay’s condition is uncertain. The San Francisco Bay Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) has no independent nutrient‐related monitoring program, but instead contributes approximately 20% of the USGS data collection cost. Thus, there is currently an urgent need to lay the groundwork for a locally‐supported, long‐term monitoring program to provide information that is most needed to support management decisions in the Bay.

RMP SC Meeting

The First quarter SC meeting will be held on January 28 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Background Information

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The San Francisco Bay Fish Project: Building alliances between government agencies and community groups

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