RMP SC Meeting

The third quarter SC meeting was held on July 17 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Lester McKee provided an update on the Small Tributaries Loading team's 2013 progress and accomplishments. Ellen Willis-Norton presented the results from applying SQO assessment methods to 2008-2012 RMP Bay samples. Jay Davis led a discussion on the RMP communications strategy, including a decision to financially support Estuary News and a presentation on possible future Pulse of the Bay topics.

Exposure and Effects Workgroup Meeting

The 2013 EEWG meeting was held at SFEI on May 16. Updates on the Bioanalytical Tools study, the Mesohaline Index Development, and the 2011 Hotspot Followup study were presented. Additionally, workgroup members heard eight EEWG study proposals and provided input on what studies should move forward during 2014.

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