Historical Baylands Background

This page provides an overview of the approach and methodology used to build the Native Landscape View of the EcoAtlas Baylands and its current status as a tool for use in ecosystem analysis.

Modern Baylands Background

The coverages of the Modern Landscape View of the EcoAtlas Baylands share common aerial photography origin. They are based on the best available existing regional digital information on baylands habitats. However, substantial local inaccuracies in this existing digital data have been revealed through intensive local reviews held by SFEI in December 1996 through the present. The following documentation summarizes the origin of version 1.0 of the EcoAtlas Modern Landscape View.

Geoportal Coming Soon!



The SFEI Geoportal is not yet available to external users.  Expected public release is March 2011.

Please check back later.



Related Data Access Tools


California Avian Data Center (CADC)

CADC, a regional node of the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN) hosted by PRBO Conservation Science, integrates data on birds and ecosystems to improve conservation outcomes today and in the future.

Re-branding of the Wetlands Tracker as the "California's Wetlands Portals"

Michael May presented in Sacramento to the state 401 program coordinating committee (CORCOM) news on the re-branding of the Wetland Tracker as the “California Wetlands Portal” in keeping with its new role as part of the state board My Water Quality portal. Mike also reviewed the application workflow for the Online 401 Application project, currently in development, and discussed Portal-CIWQS coordination issues with Jarma Bennett, CIWQS Coordinator.

Dave Bollinger Brown Bag

Dave received his Masters in Environmental Management from Duke University and has worked for USEPA and FEMA. Dave's talk will highlight the use of analytic tools (GIS, statistics, and modeling) in water quality, wetland health, and environmental law/policy work.

First draft of the specification for the web-based application for Section 401 water quality certification

Mike May released to state board staff on November 11th the first draft of the specification for the web-based application for Section 401 water quality certification.This system is designed to replace the paper-based system currently in use. The specification describes in detail how the system will allow applicants to electronically complete and submit and integrate with the Wetland Tracker.

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