
Brinker, R.C. and Wolf, P.R. 1984. Elementary surveying. 7th edition. New York: Harper & Row.Gersmehl, Philip. 1989. Student manual for The Language of Maps. Dept. of Geography, University of Minnesota.

Johnson, H.B. 1976. Order upon the land: The U.S. rectangular land survey and the upper Mississippi River country. London: Oxford University Press.

Muercke, Phillip C. 1978. Map use: Reading, analysis, and interpretation. Madison, Wis: JP Publications.

Santa Clara Valley Water District Pilots the 1-2-3 Framework.

SFEI successfully transferred the 1-2-3 Framework for comprehensive assessment of aquatic resources to the SCVWD through EOA. The SCVWD used the Framework to assess its stewardship of the Coyote Creek Watershed. The SCVWD and EOA helped SFEI map the aquatic resources of the watershed using the California Aquatic Resources Inventory (Level 1), helped assess the ambient condition of streams and riparian areas using the California Rapid Assessment Method (Level 2), and helped integrate existing quantitative fisheries data (Level 3) into the watershed health profile.

California Rapid Assessment Methodology Training

Training and technical transfer requests from our partner agencies are increasing. Last quarter, we reported on training Caltrans staff and their consultants on the use of the California Rapid Assessment Methodology (CRAM) for establishing a cost-effective baseline condition assessment and evaluating restoration success associated with transportation infrastructure mitigation projects. On May 3-5, 2011 SFEI staff conducted a three-day practitioner-level training session for Department of Water Resources (DWR) staff.

CEDEN Update

First quarter CEDEN highlights include the hiring of a Program Manager and the availability of tissue monitoring data through CEDEN’s data access tool. Dr. Steven Steinberg joined the CEDEN team in February. He comes from Humboldt State University in Arcata, where he was a professor of geospatial sciences. As Program Manager, he will oversee and provide cohesive leadership for the Regional Data Centers and other partners, including federal, local, and state governmental

Application of the EPA Level 1-2-3 Monitoring Framework as part of wetland mitigation in a watershed context

The California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) for wetlands is getting traction in providing data to help regulators identify appropriate mitigation ratios for a number of large transportation infrastructure projects. To establish a baseline of wetland condition and to evaluate success of restoration and mitigation efforts, staff was asked to lead a number of training classes for Caltrans and their consultants. Sarah Pearce, Josh Collins, and our North Coast partner Chad Roberts will introduce CRAM at an executive-level training in Sacramento scheduled for February 23-24.

BAARI Outreach Efforts

The GIS team did extensive outreach for the Bay Area Aquatic Resources Inventory (BAARI) base map.
Presentations were made to the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture, the Santa Clara Valley Water District, Friends of the Estuary, North Bay GIS community, and to students at UC Berkeley’s Geospatial Innovation Facility. The new map is becoming highly anticipated by the region’s GIS community. Efforts will continue to engage planners and ecosystem managers to transfer the maps. You can view the base map for Coyote Creek Watershed here.

CWQMC's Data Management Workgroup Meeting

California Water Quality Monitoring Council's Data Management Workgroup in Sacramento

CWQMC's Data Management Workgroup Meeting

California Water Quality Monitoring Council's Data Management Workgroup in Sacramento

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