Environmental Data Upload and Visualization Tools presented at the 2010 NWQMC Conference

Cristina Grosso presented some of SFEI's environmental data upload and visualization tools at the National Water Quality Monitoring Council's National Monitoring Conference in Denver, CO in April. She highlighted SFEI's data upload tools (online Data Checker and field data entry forms) and visualization tools (Web Query Tool, California Wetlands Portal, and Central Valley Monitoring Directory) in the session "Using Data Sharing as a Pathway to Collaboration".

Assessment of Removal of Creosote-Treated Pilings and Structures from San Francisco Bay

The remnants of old creosote-treated piers and dilapidated maritime facilities are common sights along intertidal and subtidal shorelines. Removal of these structures has been proposed as a possible restoration focus for San Francisco Bay. Removal of dilapidated pilings could mitigate the adverse effects of other environmental threats and advance long-term goals for management and restoration of subtidal habitats in San Francisco Bay.

Central Valley Watershed Monitoring Directory

The Central Valley Watershed Monitoring Directory was built to promote and facilitate improved coordination of water monitoring across the basin and serves to: 1) Provide an up-to-date online directory for water quality monitoring programs in the Central Valley Basin; 2) Make it easier and less time consuming for regulatory agency staff and other monitoring groups and data users to find and track information about ongoing surface water monitoring activities in the basin; 3) Provide a low-maintenance, interactive online resource that can b

California Wetlands Portal

The California Wetlands Portal, one of the State of California’s My Water Quality portals, is the common data management system for the State’s primary wetland protection policies and programs, including the 401 Certification and WDR Programs, the proposed Wetland and Riparian Protection Policy, and the State’s No-Net-Loss Policy.

Marin County National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Digitizing Pilot Project

SFEI as the SF Bay Area Regional Steward for USGS National Hydrography Dataset is working with Marin County to develop an enhanced stream network dataset for subwatersheds along Novato Creek. Marin County has several stream datasets containing necessary information for monitoring, maintenance and planning. There is a desire to combine these datasets into a master GIS layer while enhancing the data by adding missing streams and channels. SFEI is helping Marin County refine their mapping methodology and standards to meet those of the State and USGS.

National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Data Stewardship

As the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Steward for the USGS National Hydrography Dataset, SFEI has been working with National and State USGS NHD representatives to coordinate local updates of the NHD through identification of local need, development of local partnerships, training sessions, and documentation development.

U.S. Coast Survey Maps of SF Bay

Under the direction of some of the leading American scientists of the 19th century, the United States Coast Survey (USCS) created exceptionally accurate and detailed maps of the country's coastline. In the San Francisco Bay Area, these surveys (commonly referred to as "T-sheets") are the most important data sources for understanding the physical and ecological characteristics of the Bay's shoreline prior to Euro-American modification.

Historical Wetlands of the Southern California Coast: An Atlas of US Coast Survey T-Sheets 1851-1889

This project is the first regional assessment of the relative distribution and abundance of different wetland habitat types along the historical Southern California coastline ("South Coast"). The extent of South Coast wetlands has been dramatically reduced over the past 150 years, and there are now many large-scale efforts to recover some of these environments.

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