EcoAtlas, a tool to communicate wetland condition and extent, will be enhanced to accommodate new functionality

EcoAtlas, SFEI's flagship product launched last summer, was just awarded three Wetland Program Development grants by the USEPA for further enhancement and support. In partnership with the Delta Conservancy, State Water Board, and Regional Water Boards, SFEI staff will (1) add new quantitative field data layers, and enhance the tool’s visualization and dynamic project reporting; (2) develop training materials and cost estimates for regional stewardship of EcoAtlas; and (3) create a business plan to sustain EcoAtlas as an interagency tool into the future.

Environment Informatics Program

Innovative technology driving science solutions

The SFEI Environmental Informatics Program utilizes the latest technology and design concepts to deliver scientific information to a wide range of stakeholders in dynamic, expressive, and cogent ways. Web-based tools, such as EcoAtlas, California Rapid Assessment Method, and Contaminant Data Display and Download, form a lynchpin of SFEI’s success as a communicator of timely and salient scientific information.

  • Our Geographic Information Systems team rigorously describes and analyzes the world as it is, as it once was, and as it could be.
  • Our Data Services team, forming the core of SFEI’s Regional Data Center, offers a suite of analytical services for the Bay RMP, the California Environmental Data Exchange Network, and various local agencies and programs.
  • Using innovative data visualizations, our Application Development team produces tools that integrate disparate data sources to serve the needs of decision-makers and the public.
  • Our Design and Communications team provides the bridge between science and its intended audience through creative and thoughtful methods.
  • Our Systems team ensures the Institute’s computing infrastructure is robust, secure, and accessible to meet the growing requirements of our databases, websites, and tools.

SFEI’s Environmental Informatics team, working in collaboration with its scientists, explores the frontiers of geodesign and alternative future planning, and facilitates discovery to inform decision-making at all levels of natural resource management.

Standard Names/Codes

CEDEN has developed controlled vocabulary lists which consist of standard names and codes for describing data. Using these naming conventions makes your data understandable to others and increases comparability among different data sources. New values are added to the lists regularly as they are updated in the CEDEN system.

San Francisco Bay Area Digital Orthophotography Collection

In June 2014, high resolution 4 band orthoimagery was collected for Contra Costa, Marin and Napa Counties and the Presidio. LiDAR was collected for the City of Napa and the Town of Yountville.

The cost for a hard drive containing imagery is $300, including tax and shipping. To order your own copy of the imagery, please select one or more of the following counties.


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