Safe to Eat Portal

Fish and shellfish are nutritious and good for you to eat. But some fish and shellfish may take in toxic chemicals from the water they live in and the food they eat. Some of these chemicals build up in the fish and shellfish - and in the humans that eat fish and shellfish - over time. Although the chemical levels are usually low, it is a good idea to learn about advisories and monitoring in water bodies where you fish, and for fish or shellfish you eat.

SFEI Announces New Wetlands Web Tools

SFEI, on behalf of the Wetland Monitoring Workgroup is releasing a series of technology tools to help with aquatic resource protection and management. “These new online tools will empower Californians to access information about the value and health of their wetlands,” said U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regional Administrator Jared Blumenfeld. “The release of the Wetlands Portal and EcoAtlas represents a multi-agency collaborative effort to inform the public and support better aquatic resource management.” 

Healthy Streams Portal

Healthy streams, rivers, and lakes provide safe drinking water, recreational opportunities, and important habitat for species ranging from the red-shouldered hawk to steelhead to crayfish and dragonflies. Maintaining healthy streams, rivers, and lakes can reduce the need for water treatment and water supply costs and make landscapes more resilient to climate change.

Online 401 Application Tool

This tool provides a permit negotiation tool for applicants and Regional Water Board staff to work together on preparing a permit for a 401 Water Quality Certification or Waste Discharge Report for projects impacting waters of the US or California. The application tool will streamline 401 Certification applications, provide access to historical 401 cases, and enable standardized reports on the status and trends of 401 projects and ambient conditions for watersheds, regions, and statewide.

California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM)

CRAM is a standardized, scientifically defensible rapid assessment method for monitoring the ecological conditions of wetlands throughout California. Because it is standardized, one can compare ecological conditions of wetlands locally, regionally and statewide.

U.S. Coast Survey Maps of California (South Coast)

Until the advent of this new map viewer, a valuable resource was largely unavailable to coastal planners. Now, US Coastal Survey maps are free for broad use.

Contaminant Data Download and Display (CD3)

Contaminant Data Display and Download Tool or CD3  is an innovative visualization tool for accessing water quality data for the San Francisco Bay-Delta and northern montane regions. It is the primary tool for accessing and downloading the San Francisco Bay Regional Monitoring Program’s (RMP) long-term dataset and other project data stored in SFEI's Regional Data Center (RDC).

Bay Area Trash Tracker

This password protected tool allows Bay Area municipalities dealing with trash control issues to research available trash capture devices and add information on maintenance events.  Each municipality has a page  enter location information and condition/maintenance notes for devices installed. All of this information can be downloaded for record-keeping and permit compliance reporting purposes. 

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