San Francisco Bay Joint Venture Projects Map

In partnership with the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture (SFBJV), SFEI/ASC developed a new interactive map to display active and completed SFBJV partner projects throughout the region. Useful project information can be obtained by clicking on a location.

EcoAtlas’ Landscape Profile Tool v2.0

The recent EcoAtlas release delivers new functionality and enhancements to the Landscape Profiler, a tool that summarizes ecological information at various spatial scales for assessment, planning, and reporting. Users can upload a KML file, edit the boundary, and save a polygon for their area of interest. Additional datasets are summarized in the Landscape Profile Report, including the revised 2011 National Land Cover Dataset, eelgrass survey data along the coast from Humboldt Bay to San Diego Bay, and percentages of languages spoken from the US Census data.

RipZet: GIS Tool for Estimating Riparian Zones

The Riparian Zone Estimator Tool (RipZET) is a GIS-based decision support tool under development for estimating riparian zones at the watershed and/or project scale. The tool provides reach-scale functional riparian width estimates based on average height of mature riparian vegetation, the steepness of hillslopes adjacent to the channel, and the floodplain inundation extent for large storm events.

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