Habitat Restoration Project Tracking

This project expands the current capabilities of the wetland project tracking system for the monitoring and assessment of California’s aquatic resources to meet the project tracking, assessment, and reporting needs for current and planned habitat restoration in the San Francisco Bay-Delta and Central Valley.

BAARI version 2.1 GIS Data

Bay Area Aquatic Resources Inventory (BAARI) is a detailed base map of the Bay Area's aquatic features that includes wetlands, open water, streams, ditches, tidal marshes and flats. BAARI was developed using a Geographic Information System (GIS) with true color imagery and a suite of ancillary data sources to consistently map aquatic resources around the Bay Area.  The draft GIS dataset was extensively reviewed by regional wetland scientists and stakeholders to ensure it is as accurate as possible.

DEDUCE: Delta Environmental Data for the Understanding of a California Estuary

The purpose of this project is to expand the existing San Francisco Bay Regional Data Center (RDC) to include the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh (Delta). The anticipated outcome of this project is an estuary-wide data repository where one currently does not exist. 

SF Bay Nutrients Visualization Tool

This visualization tool facilitates intuitive comparison of continuous data from around the Bay, and across a variety of analytes, to demonstrate the potential for collaborative monitoring across programs.

Carlos Street Rain Garden Interpretative Sign

The Carlos Street rain garden in Moss Beach collects and filters stormwater from the street, Post Office parking lot, and adjacent private properties and businesses. By placing small rain gardens in strategic locations, pollution going to local water bodies is reduced, resulting in improved water quality in the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve and designated Area of Special Biological Significance.

CD3: New Download Feature

This release of CD3 features an advanced download tool for accessing all data for a project and the ability to dynamically generate Sum of PCBs.  Detailed instructions for using the tool's different features are provided in a pop-up box for easy reference. Visit cd3.sfei.org to try out this new functionality!

Santa Clara Valley Water District Priority D5 Project's Watershed Condition Assessments (2010 to present)

https://www.valleywater.org/project-updates/2012-d5-ecological-data-collection-and-analysisSFEI and the Santa Clara Valley Water District's (Valley Water) Priority D-5 Project have been conducting baseline ecological condition assessments in Santa Clara County, CA to characterize the distribution and abundance of stream and wetlands in five major watersheds, and to assess the overall ecological conditions of streams in the watersheds based on the California Rapic Assessment Method for streams (CRAM).  The surveys employ the state's recommended Wetland and Riparian Area Monitoring Plan's watershed aproach that includes the use of GIS-base maps of aquatice resources (BAARI), and spatially-balanced ambient stream condition surveys using CRAM.

Six County Aquatic Resource Inventory

The US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento Division updated wetland and stream maps for the 6 county area (Sacramento, Placer, Yolo, El Dorado, Yuba, and Sutter Counties) to support regulatory, planning, and management efforts in the area.  The map was made public in 2011 and was added to EcoAtlas in 2013.

View the Six County streams data online at EcoAltas.

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