RMP Update in the Estuary Newsletter

The annual RMP update will be distributed in the December issue of the Estuary Newsletter, published by the San Francisco Estuary Partnership. It highlights two recently completed RMP studies on mercury cycling in the Bay.

University of Michigan researchers asked "what are the primary sources of mercury to SF Bay sediment?". Using differences in the isotopic compositions of mercury in sediment throughout the Bay, they determined that historic mercury mines and gold mines are dominant sources of mercury to the south bay and the north bay, respectively.

KGO interview with Tom Mumley

KGO interview with Tom Mumley covering topics from the 2010 Pulse of the Estuary report.The interview can be found at the 4:16:30 mark of the 4:00-5:00 PM podcast.

To listen, click here

KCBS interview with Tom Mumley

A live KCBS interview with Tom Mumley which covers topics from the 2010 Pulse of the Estuary.

Please click here to listen to the interview.

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