Carlos Street Rain Garden Interpretative Sign

An informative and beautifully designed interpretative sign educates the public on the effects of stormwater runoff, the impacts on water quality and aquatic life, the beneficial uses of "rain gardens" or natural stormwater treatment areas, and the role individuals can play in cleaning-up our watersheds and preventing pollutants from entering our waterways.

The launch of the SF Bay Nutrients Visualization Tool

This visualization tool facilitates intuitive comparison of continuous data from around the Bay, and across a variety of analytes, to demonstrate the potential for collaborative monitoring across programs.

Web Services Available for CRAM and Wetland Projects

Web services provide a standard way to access geo-referenced data online. SFEI now provides web services for the California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) Assessment Areas and California Wetland Projects data layers.Although potential uses are numerous, typically web services allow one machine to exchange data with another for timely, automated, and efficient sharing of information. Different service types provide different levels of access to the data, including serving image tiles of the data or the features and attributes themselves.

NCARI: Santa Rosa Plain WRAMP GIS Data

GIS mapping of aquatic resources for the Laguna De Santa Rosa valley basin. This mapping effort represents a demonstration of the North Coast Aquatic Resource Inventory (NCARI) mapping standards. This data has been incorporated into CARI.

Please view the NCARI SOP for more information about NCARI maping methods.

EcoPrinciples Connect

The EcoPrinciples Connect tool provides a way for coastal managers to improve the effectiveness of planning decisions regarding the ecosystems they are mandated to protect. Using this tool will help coastal managers identify and apply ecological data to link relevant plans and policies to key ecological principles.

Historical and Modern Baylands 1998 (EcoAtlas Version 1.50b4)

The Bay Area EcoAtlas is a computer-based Geographic Information System (GIS) of past and present local ecology in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. It was designed to support local and regional environmental planning and management. The EcoAtlas represents the integration of many kinds of information from numerous sources, to compile a picture of the environmental past, the present, and change. It provided the most detailed regional views of past and present ecological conditions that were available at the time of creation.

Ventura Historical Ecology Study GIS Data

Geospatial data describing the historical conditions of the lower Santa Clara River, Ventura River, Oxnard Plain, and Ventura County Shoreline were developed to provide information for flood protection, watershed management, habitat restoration, local education, and research.

Santa Clara Valley Historical Ecology GIS Data

Geospatial data describing the historical conditions of Santa Clara Valley were developed to provide information for flood protection, watershed management, habitat restoration, local education, and research. This dataset integrates GIS data from 4 previous historical ecology studies including:

Napa Historical Ecology Atlas GIS Data

This dataset represents a reconstruction of the historical landscape and prevailing conditions of Napa Valley prior to Euro-American modification. It integrates many sources of data describing the historical features of Napa Valley. Extensive supporting information, including bibliographic references and research methods, can be found in the Napa Valley Historical Ecology Atlas forthcoming from UC Press (2012).

San Francisco Bay Shore Inventory

SFEI is developing an online interactive map to support regional planning and assessment given accelerated sea level rise around the Bay.

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