Bay Area Aquatic Resources Inventory

Jamie Kass presented “ Bay Area Aquatic Resources Inventory” to the Society for Conservation Biology.

Release of Healthy Streams Portal

Streams and rivers perform numerous functions and provide important services to society. They are the source of much of the water supply for California’s cities, farms, and industries. At the same time, they provide essential habitat for fish and wildlife, including threatened and endangered species as well as commercially important species. The attractiveness of our streams and rivers make them the focus of many recreational activities and they are an important component of the California landscape.

SF Bay Joint Venture Database Integration Meeting

SFEI will be hosting the SF Bay Joint Venture's database integration meeting to evaluate existing systems that manage, analyze, and display environmental data. Meeting participants include technology or ecology experts from USGS, SFEI, SFBJV, Ducks Unlimited, CDFG and more. Meeting materials may be posted on the website.

Spartina Aerial Images

High-resolution infra-red aerial images are available for three locations in the San Francisco Estuary: Corte Madera Creek in Marin County, and San Leandro Bay and Robert’s Landing in Alameda County. Images were taken at 1:6000 scale on September 25th, 2000.

Corta Madera Creek

marin01.sid (12 MB)

Presented "Tackling Data Comparability for Multiple Uses" at NWQMC Conference

Cristina Grosso presented "Tackling Data Comparability for Multiple Uses" at the 8th National Water Quality Monitoring Council Conference in Portland, OR.

CWQMC's Data Management Workgroup Meeting

Cristina and Meredith participated in the CWQMC's Data Management Workgroup Meeting in Sacramento

GeoFetch: A One-Stop Shop for SFEI Data

GeoFetch is an on-line catalog of SFEI’s spatial data including GIS data, websites, services and static maps. It was developed using an extension of ESRI’s ArcGIS software package. The development team includes Gregory Tseng (IT Support/GIS Analyst), Nancy Hoebelheinrich (GIS Intern), Kristen Cayce (GIS Manager) and Shira Bezalel (Systems Administrator).

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