Development of a Trash Monitoring Method for Tobacco Product Waste

Smoking has long been known to lead to tobacco-related diseases and harmful health outcomes, including heightened risk of cancer, stroke, and heart disease. Not only is tobacco harmful to individual health outcomes, but it also harmful to the environment. Cigarette butts are the most common form of litter and an estimated 4.5 trillion butts are improperly discarded every year worldwide. Cigarette butts contain at least 4,000 chemicals, and about 50 of these are carcinogenic.

Making North Coast 401 Certified Caltrans Projects Available on EcoAtlas

This project enhanced access to watershed assessment data by making 401 certified Caltrans projects and maps, from the North Coast, available online through EcoAtlas. EcoAtlas is an online data visualization tool that enables users to view the abundance, distribution, diversity, and condition of aquatic resources on a common map, along with the projects that are affecting these resources. 

Assessing Five Watersheds in Santa Clara County

A new synthesis report characterizing the amount, distribution, and diversity of streams and wetlands within the County employing CARI, and an ambient survey of the overall ecological condition of streams employing CRAM.

SF Estuary Wetlands Regional Program Plan Released!

The Wetland Regional Monitoring Program (WRMP) Plan has been released! The WRMP will improve wetland restoration project success by putting in place regional-scale monitoring increasing the impact, utility and application of permit-driven monitoring to inform science-based decision-making.

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