Regional Watershed Spreadsheet Model

The Regional Watershed Spreadsheet Model (RWSM) was developed to estimate average annual regional and sub-regional scale loads for the San Francisco Bay Area. It is part of a class of deterministic empirical models based on the volume-concentration method.

Applied Aquatic Science: A Business Plan for EcoAtlas

Hale, T.; Grosso, C. 2017. Applied Aquatic Science: A Business Plan for EcoAtlas. San Francisco Estuary Institue: Richmond, CA.

The following plan is intended to ensure the continued vitality of the toolset. The plan’s success will depend upon the continued collaboration of the public agencies that have supported the toolset thus far, but it must also integrate principles of resilience as it accounts for the tensions that arise as organizations move in different strategic directions.

Russian River Watershed Projects at the San Francisco Estuary Institute

Our projects in the Russian River Watershed help us to understand our past, understand our present, and envision our future. Learn more about what SFEI is doing in partnership with others to advance our scientific understanding of this valuable landscape.

San Francisco Estuary Geospatial Workgroup Meeting: Sharing Information in an Open Data World

San Francisco Estuary
Geospatial Workgroup Meeting

Stranger Things: Sharing Information in an Open Data World

January 30, 2018
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
with time for networking after
Bay Conference Center, Tiburon, CA

Welcome and Introductions
Presentations - followed by Q & A

Completed! Legacy datasets saved from the shelves and uploaded to estuary-wide data repository

SFEI worked in partnership with the Delta Conservancy to complete a two year project funded by a USEPA National Environmental Information Exchange Network (NEIN) grant to expand the existing San Francisco Bay Regional Data Center (RDC) to include the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh (Delta) for an estuary-wide data repository. SFEI received Delta data from public and private sector sources ranging from scientists, environmental program staff, managers, the public and other stakeholders.

Russian River Watershed Atlas helps track and coordinate post-fire activities

Fire recovery in the Russian River Watershed will benefit from a common online platform for compiling, visualizing, and interpreting many kinds of environmental data available from diverse federal, state, regional, and local sources. Providing such a platform is one objective of the Russian River Regional Monitoring Program (R3MP).

The Healthy Watersheds Resilient Baylands project kicks off

The Healthy Watersheds Resilient Baylands project kicked off this summer. Over the next four years, the project will help enhance resilience to climate change through the implementation of several multi-benefit environmental projects by the San Francisco Estuary Partnership, SFEI, and 15 other organizations.

Resilience Atlas

The Resilience Atlas is a compilation of cutting-edge science, creative visions and relevant spatial data to support planners, designers, policy-makers, and residents in the creation of the healthy cities, shorelines and surrounding landscapes of the future. The main goal of the Resilience Atlas is to make the science of resilience more accessible to help communities successfully adapt and thrive in the face of climate change and other challenges.

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