
Quarterly Reports 2006-2009

Delta RMP - Data Workgroup Meeting

This initial Delta RMP Data Workgroup Meeting will establish the procedure and requirements for participants. Ideal participants for this workgroup include data managers, programmers, quality assurance and monitoring specialists, and SWAMP representatives. We envision that workgroups will meet approximately every two months and will need from three to six meetings to complete their work, depending on the complexity of the issues. A basic premise for these workgroup efforts is that they not impose additional monitoring requirements or significantly increase program costs.

Delta RMP - Stakeholder Meeting

This meeting will feature informational presentations about the Interagency Ecological Program, the San Francisco Bay RMP, CEDEN, and the California Water Quality Council My Water Quality Portals. This meeting is intended to inform stakeholders and present an option for synthesizing information. There will be an opportunity to discuss and comment on the material presented in order to establish a clear path moving forward.

RMP Annual Meeting Registration

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Thank you for registering for the RMP Annual meeting…see you there!

Jane Curren Brown Bag

Jane Curren, a PhD student with Mike Stenstrom at UCLA, will present her master's thesis on the "Identification of subwatershed sources for chlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in the Ballona Creek watershed". Her presentation is very relevant to the questions being addressed by the Small Tributary Loading Strategy.

View EcoAtlas Baylands Maps

Historical Baylands and Adjacent Habitats ca. 1800

This view of the San Francisco Bay past describes the bays, baylands, and adjacent habitats as they appeared about 200 years ago, when Europeans first arrived in the region.

Station A: Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB)

Weekly water quality monitoring at Station A (inflow to San Luis Drain).


Station A: Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB)

Weekly water quality monitoring at Station A (inflow to San Luis Drain).


Continuous water monitoring at Station B (discharge from San Luis Drain), January 2000.

Show explanation of footnotes and agency abbreviations

Mercury in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

David Senn, from the EAWAG (Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology) and the ETH (Tech. University) gave a brown bag at SFEI on "Mercury in the northern Gulf of Mexico: biogeochemistry, trophic transfer, and human exposure". He received his PhD from MIT and taught at the Harvard Public School of Health before going to Switzerland.

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