5.1.3 Data Collection and Reporting Team

A Data Collection and Reporting Team for the GBP has been formed and has prepared this Monitoring Plan and QAPP. The team consists of the agency representatives and subcontractors responsible for data collection and reporting and will continue to meet regularly and as necessary to ensure coordination of monitoring activities. This team will continue to address issues and concerns regarding data collection, data management, and QA/QC on an as needed basis as the GBP progresses.

5.1.2 Technical Advisory Committee

The GBP OC will designate a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which will serve as staff to the OC. The TAC will consist of a representative from each of the agencies of the OC; i.e., CVRWQCB, CDFG, USBR, USFWS, and USEPA, plus a member from USGS to serve as an independent technical advisor. The TAC will be responsible for obtaining and providing the necessary information, options, and recommendations to the OC for all issues and decisions regarding the project. Data uses

Data from the in situ toxicity tests will be presented with laboratory toxicity test results and the water quality and chemical analysis for each site. Quality assurance

The in situ toxicity testing program will follow a written SOP to be included inn the QAPP. There will be minimal handling of test animals to reduce stress. Water chemistry

Chemical and physical parameters measured at each site will include temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, hardness and conductivity. Location of test sites is correlated with ongoing analytical programs conducted by other agencies involved in the monitoring program. Field techniques

Field procedures/protocols are currently under development and will be fully documented in the final version of the QAPP. Species selection

The test species is fathead minnow Pimephales promelas, four and fourteen days old. Frequency of sampling

The sites selected for the in situ toxicity testing program are

Site D - Mud Slough downstream of SLD discharge

Site F - Salt Slough near Highway 165

Control - Windmill Site on Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge (fresh water supply)

Site B - SLD Water (will not be used until SLD is in operation) Frequency of sampling

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