Regional Board Requests RMP Report to Support Reconsideration of Triclosan Uses

A report prepared by the RMP was recently submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) by the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board (SFRWQCB) to inform their consideration of a petition for the regulation of triclosan. The report, written by Susan Klosterhaus, Rachel Allen, and Jay Davis in 2010, summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding the use, occurrence, fate, and toxicity of triclosan and triclocarban, chemicals commonly used as antimicrobials in liquid and bar soaps.

SFEI Mercury Scientists present at the International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant

Jay Davis, Lester McKee, Don Yee, Nicole David, and Aroon Melwani presented at the International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The presentations given by SFEI staff ranged from new developments in mercury loading through watersheds to an overview of mercury in San Francisco Bay.

Fact Sheet on the Antimicrobial Chemical Triclosan

The RMP has developed the first in a series of fact sheets on contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). The fact sheets are intended to serve as a quick reference for media, regulators, decision-makers, and scientists to allow communication of accurate information to the public. Each fact sheet will summarize our current understanding of a select CEC, including the latest data and concerns for San Francisco Bay.

Sample Area Weights

Area weights are used in the generation of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) plots and the summary statistics. The total area sampled in the five Estuary regions is adjusted for regional area weights using the spsurvey package which is available for the R software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The CDF plots and summary statistics for the individual regions are not adjusted.

Tips for using CD3

Tips for using CD3:

  • While only one analyte can be mapped at a time, the data download provides all data for the program, test material, years, and parameter type selected.
  • A square symbol indicates more than one sample collected at a location and an average is reported; click on link in pop-up to view individual data results.
  • Specific notes to a dataset will appear under the map as display notes when applicable.

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Mining is a Main Source of Mercury to San Francisco Bay

A recent article in Indian Country Today profiled a University of Michigan and RMP study on sources of mercury to San Francisco Bay sediment and the food chain. Using "fingerprinting" of mercury isotopes, Gretchen Gerkhe and Joel Blum showed that mining waste from mercury mines is a dominant source of mercury to the South Bay.

2009 RMP Annual Monitoring Results

The Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in the San Francisco Estuary (RMP) is the primary source for long-term contaminant monitoring information for the Estuary. The RMP is an innovative and collaborative effort among the scientific community, the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board), and the regulated discharger/dredging community.

Subtidal Habitat Goals Project Report

The San Francisco Bay Subtidal Habitat Goals Project team has released their final report. SFEI working with Dr. Christine Werme, Eric Polson, P.E., and NOAA fisheries contributed to this report with an assessment of artificial structures in the Bay. The primary focus of our effort was on the assessment of creosote treated structures.

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