2005 Monthly Reports

5.2.7 Contractors

The contractors listed in Table 5.2 are procured and monitored by the agencies responsible for compliance with specifications outlined in the QAPP. It is the responsibility of each agency to provide a copy of its QAPP to the contractor(s) and to convey any changes to the QAPP on behalf of the agency or contractor back to USBR QAO Victor Stokmanis or the GBP QA/QC Oversight Manager, John Fields, for incorporation into an updated QAPP.

Table 5.2 Contractors

Steve Wilson

US Geological Survey

Office of Mineral Resources

Branch of Geochemistry

Lakewood, CO

(Sediment analysis for USBR)

Environmental Trace Substances Research Center

Columbia, Missouri

(Tissue Analysis for CDFG & USFWS)

5.2.6 Quality Assurance

John Fields, a USBR member of the Data Collection and Reporting Team, has been designated as the Project QA/QC Oversight Manager. The QA/QC Oversight Manager will serve as a coordinating manager to verify, validate, coordinate and update the QA/QC practices associated with the GBP. Preparation and modification of the GBP QAPP falls within the responsibility of this position.

5.2.5 Data Evaluation

The TAC will be responsible for ensuring that necessary data evaluation and interpretation is provided to the OC as needed to determine compliance and to make decisions regarding the project.

5.2.4 Reporting

SFEI will assemble, summarize, and distribute monthly and quarterly reports. Monthly reports will consist, at a minimum, of toxicity, flow, water quality and selenium loads. Quarterly reports will consist of all available data from all sites. Data tabulations will be formatted by site and by sample matrix. The focus of the data organization is to report data and information from all sampling stations in a timely manner. The monthly reports will be distributed to the participating parties and will be made available upon request.

5.2.3 Data Management

Each entity collecting data will be responsible for its own internal data quality and management procedures. These are detailed in the QAPP. In addition, each entity will provide its data to the San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI), which, through cooperative agreement with USBR, will serve as the overall data manager for this project.

5.2.2 Monitoring Coordination

The Data Collection and Reporting Team will meet regularly and as necessary in order to ensure coordination of monitoring activities, to identify and resolve any issues involving data collection and reporting, and to make recommendations for revision of data collection and reporting procedures as appropriate.

5.2.1 Data Collection

The GBP monitoring program is a multi-agency cooperative effort which incorporates and relies on the continuation of ongoing monitoring programs and the availability of data from those programs for use in assessing environmental effects.

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