Historical Wetlands of the Southern California Coast Phase 2: Historical Extent and Change Over Time

This project builds on earlier efforts to provide comprehensive analysis of the 40 T-sheets that cover the southern California Bight (SCB) from Point Conception to the US-Mexico border. High quality scans of the original T-sheets produced between 1851 and 1889 were obtained along with the surveyor notes.

Robertson Park and Medeiros Parkway sUAS Surveys for the Sycamore Pilot Implementation Project

Palermo, K.; Kauhanen, P. 2024. Robertson Park and Medeiros Parkway sUAS Surveys for the Sycamore Pilot Implementation Project. Prepared for Zone 7 Water Agency and US Environmental Protection Agency’s Water Quality Improvement Fund. In collaboration with San Francisco Estuary Institute.

This memo summarizes the use of small Unoccupied Aerial Systems (sUAS) to survey Robertson Park and Medeiros Parkway and analysis of how this type of technology can be used to support site scale level mapping.

San Francisco Bay Area Digital Orthophotography Collection

In June 2014, high resolution 4 band orthoimagery was collected for Contra Costa, Marin and Napa Counties and the Presidio. LiDAR was collected for the City of Napa and the Town of Yountville.

The cost for a hard drive containing imagery is $300, including tax and shipping. To order your own copy of the imagery, please select one or more of the following counties.


Head of Tide

SFEI completed a pilot study focused on creating a framework for a rapid protocol that can be used to delineate the current and future head of tide zone for San Francisco Bay tributaries using both “desktop” and field investigations.

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