U.S. Coast Survey Maps of California (South Coast)

Until the advent of this new map viewer, a valuable resource was largely unavailable to coastal planners. Now, US Coastal Survey maps are free for broad use.

Bay Area Trash Tracker

This password protected tool allows Bay Area municipalities dealing with trash control issues to research available trash capture devices and add information on maintenance events.  Each municipality has a page  enter location information and condition/maintenance notes for devices installed. All of this information can be downloaded for record-keeping and permit compliance reporting purposes. 

Bay Area Aquatic Resource Inventory (BAARI)

The Bay Area Aquatic Resources Inventory (BAARI) is a GIS base map of the Bay Area's wetlands, open water, streams, ditches, tidal marshes and flats, and riparian areas. BAARI was developed using standardized mapping protocols to ensure that the level of detail and wetland classification system is standardized across the region. 

BAARI Mapping Documentation

The Bay Area Aquatic Resource Inventory (BAARI) is a basemap of all tidal and non-tidal aquatic features in the region, and is the Level 1 landscape-scale assessment of the WRMP 1-2-3 framework. This methods document details the mapping methods and standards used to create the basemap and documents QAQC procedures.

Contents include:

California Aquatic Resource Inventory (CARI)

The California Aquatic Resources Inventory (CARI) is a Geographic Information System (GIS) based map of wetlands, streams, and riparian areas within California that is hosted online through EcoAtlas.

Montezuma Technical Review Team

The Montezuma wetland restoration project is returning ~2,000 acres of diked baylands to tidal, seasonal, and managed wetlands in an eastern portion of Suisun Bay near the town of Collinsville, California in Solano County.

South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project: GIS & Web Services

The South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project is the largest tidal wetland restoration project on the West Coast. When complete, the project will restore 15,100 acres of industrial salt ponds to a rich mosaic of tidal wetlands and other habitats.

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