RMP Exposure and Effects Workgroup

Topics from this meeting include: Revised Five-year Plan for Benthic Effects Work in the RMP, Update on USGS/USFWS Avian Studies and Five-year Plan for Bird Work.

RMP Exposure and Effects Workgroup

Topics from this meeting include: Updates on Current Exposure and Effects work, Five-year Plan for Food Web Accumulation, Part One – Small Fish and EEWG Five-year Plan and Plans for 2009.

RMP Exposure and Effects Workgroup

Topics from this meeting include: Status of the Five Year Plan and EEPS Summary Report, 2007/2008 Causes of Toxicity Study and Plans for 2009 and 2008 Benthos Workshop; Plans for 2009

RMP Emergining Contaminants Workgroup

Topics from this meeting included: Goals for the Workgroup and Overview of RMP, Emerging challenges: Identifying New Persistent Chemicals in the Great Lakes and Emerging challenges: Occurrence and Mass Flows of Fluorochemicals During Municipal Wastewater Treatment.

RMP Emergining Contaminants Workgroup

Topics from this meeting include: Recent Findings on the Fate of Wastewater-Derived Organic
Contaminants in Engineered and Natural Systems, Update on 2007 Pilot and Special studies: Pharmaceuticals and Proposed studies for 2008.

RMP Emergining Contaminants Workgroup

Topics from this meeting include: Update on 2007/2008 Pilot and Special Study: PFOS in Seals, Update on 2008 Pilot and Special studies: Alternative Flame Retardants, and Proposals for Pilot and Special Studies for 2009

RMP Emergining Contaminants Workgroup

Topics include: Update on 2008 Pilot and Special studies: Alternative Flame Retardants, Update on 2008 Pilot and Special studies: Seals and Perfluorinated Compounds and Update on pro bono EC Activities.

RMP Emergining Contaminants Workgroup

Topics from this meeting included: Updated Five-year Plan, SCCWRP Emerging Contaminants Strategy and Update on 2009 Pilot and Special studies: Outline for White paper.

RMP Contaminant Fate Workgroup

Topics include: Multi-box PCB Model, Sediment Core Sampling Plan and PCB Food Web Model

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