RMP Exposure and Effects Workgroup Meeting

Topics discussed included Causes of Sediment Toxicity (Part 1): LC50s , TIE Method Development, and Workshops, Developing a Multi-Year Plan for Evaluating Effects on Benthos, Including Proposals for 2011,Impacts of PAH-contaminated Sediment on Early Life History Stages of Benthic Fish.

Methylmercury in Dredged Operations and Dredged Sediment Reuse in the San Francisco Estuary

First Floor Auditorium
State of California Building
1515 Clay Street
Oakland, CA 94612

Meeting Purpose: Discuss information needs and options for managing adverse impacts of methylmercury from dredging and dredged material placement, particularly in restoration efforts.

Contaminant Fate Work Group

Topics discussed included Overview of Fate Studies in the RMP, RMP Sediment Coring Project and Mercury Strategy – Results of Year 2 of the Isotope Study.

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