RMP Contaminant Fate Workgroup

Topics from this meeting include: Multi-box PCB Model, Sediment Core Sampling Plan and Approval of Plans for 2006 and Preliminary Five-Year CFWG Plan.

RMP Contaminant Fate Workgroup

Topics from this meeting include: Multi-box PCB Model, Review of September 2005 Meeting and Sediment Core Sampling Plan.

RMP Contaminant Fate Workgroup

Topics from this meeting include: Multi-box PCB Model, PBDE Mass Budget and Sediment Core Sampling.

RMP Contaminant Fate Workgroup

Topics from this meeting include: Developing a Five-year Plan for the RMP, Identifying High Leverage Processes, Sources, and Pathways of Mercury and Methylmercury Modeling Strategy.

RMP Contaminant Fate Workgroup

Topics from this meeting include: Review of Reports on the Multi-box PCB Model, Food Web Uptake Study and Decision on Mercury Proposals

RMP Contaminant Fate Workgroup

Topics from this meeting include: USGS (Multi-box) Sediment Transport Model, Multi-box Model for PCB Fate and MeHg Budget.

RMP Contaminant Fate Workgroup

Topics from this meeting included: Mercury Strategy – Small Fish, Mercury Strategy – Results of the Isotope Study and Mercury Strategy – Results of the DGT study.

RMP Technical Review Committee

Topics from this meeting included: Setting Priorities for the 2006 Program Plan, Annual Meeting and RMP Management Question Revision.

RMP Technical Review Committee

Topics from this meeting included: Contingency Fund Request by the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, Annual Meeting and Pulse and Sport Fish Monitoring Update.

RMP Technical Review Committee

Topics from this meeting included: Summary of Synthesis Articles, Presentation of Findings of Bivalve Report and Prioritization of the Status and Trends Program and Potential Inclusion of New Elements.

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