RMP Journal Publication on Contaminant Loads from the Delta to San Francisco Bay

Results of RMP monitoring of loads from the Delta to San Francisco Bay were recently published in the journal Water Environment Research. The article follows up on a paper published in 2009 in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry describing mercury concentrations and loads from this large river system to the Bay.

Estimation of Contaminant Loads from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to San Francisco Bay

David, N.; Gluchowski, D. C.; Leatherbarrow, J. E.; Yee, D.; McKee, L. J. . 2015. Estimation of Contaminant Loads from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to San Francisco Bay. Water Environment Research 87 (4), 334-346.

Contaminant concentrations from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River watershed were determined in water samples mainly during flood flows in an ongoing effort to describe contaminant loads entering San Francisco Bay, CA, USA. Calculated PCB and total mercury loads during the 6-year observation period ranged between 3.9 and 19 kg/yr and 61 and 410 kg/yr, respectively. Long-term average PCB loads were estimated at 7.7 kg/yr and total mercury loads were estimated at 200 kg/yr. Also monitored were PAHs, PBDEs (two years of data), and dioxins/furans (one year of data) with average loads of 392, 11, and 0.15/0.014 (OCDD/OCDF) kg/yr, respectively. Organochlorine pesticide loads were estimated at 9.9 kg/yr (DDT), 1.6 kg/yr (chlordane), and 2.2 kg/yr (dieldrin). Selenium loads were estimated at 16 300 kg/yr. With the exception of selenium, all average contaminant loads described in the present study were close to or below regulatory load allocations established for North San Francisco Bay.

Daly City rain gardens provide cleaner water, reduce flooding

This study evaluated the efficiency of a bioretention system installed in Daly City, California, for a large suite of pollutants, including some that have been rarely evaluated in such systems. Water quality improvements (concentration or load reductions) were demonstrated for total Hg, polychlorinated biphenols (PCBs) and dioxins ranging between 18 and 100%, and a suite of more conventional pollutants [sediment, cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)] ranging between 20 and 90%.

The Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay: Science in Support of Dredging Activities

The overarching goal of the RMP is to collect data and communicate information about water quality in San Francisco Bay in support of management decisions. Dredging activities are affected by management decisions about disposal of contaminated sediments, dredged sediment volumes, and the impacts of dredging on aquatic life. The RMP teamed with the Bay Planning Coalition on a fact sheet describing how the RMP has studied these issues to ensure that management decisions are based on sound science.

Nutrient Program Products Highlight Key Initiatives

SFEI is the science lead for the San Francisco Bay Nutrient Science and Management Strategy, which is developing the science needed for informed decisions about managing nutrient loads and maintaining beneficial uses within the Bay. Two recent products highlight key initiatives of this Program.


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