Satellite Imaging to Detect Cyanobacterial Blooms

Satellite remote sensing will aid the State of California in assessing cyanobacterial bloom threats to animal and human health across the state’s numerous large lakes. 

Annual Monitoring Report

The San Francisco Estuary Institute has been collecting water, sediment and tissue samples from the San Francisco Bay and tributaries since 1993. These samples are analyzed for ancillary parameters, trace metals and trace organics. Each year a summary of the year's sampling events is published in the Regional Monitoring Program’s Annual Monitoring Results. The results and associated graphics can be accessed using the Contaminant Data Display & Download (CD3) tool. 

Carlos Street Rain Garden Interpretative Sign

An informative and beautifully designed interpretative sign educates the public on the effects of stormwater runoff, the impacts on water quality and aquatic life, the beneficial uses of "rain gardens" or natural stormwater treatment areas, and the role individuals can play in cleaning-up our watersheds and preventing pollutants from entering our waterways.

RMP Journal Publication on Contaminant Loads from the Delta to San Francisco Bay

Results of RMP monitoring of loads from the Delta to San Francisco Bay were recently published in the journal Water Environment Research. The article follows up on a paper published in 2009 in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry describing mercury concentrations and loads from this large river system to the Bay. This new article presents estimates for PCBs for a 6-year monitoring period and estimates for PAHs, PBDEs, dioxins and furans, the organochlorine pesticides DDT, chlordane, dieldrin, and selenium for shorter periods.

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