Bay Currents Talk: New Bay Pollutants - Meeting the Challenge

San Francisco Bay is far healthier now than a few decades ago, thanks to the federal Clean Water Act and impressive state and local efforts. But early signs point to potential new sources of pollution: Stain resistant or flame retardant chemicals that leach from consumer goods, medicines and pesticides flowing from urban centers, and toxic algae fed by excess nutrients.

RMP Sources, Pathways, and Loading Workgroup Meeting

The RMP Sources, Pathways, and Loading workgroup met on May 29, 2015 to review SPL activities and objectives; to check in on SPL management questions; and to discuss future monitoring and modeling designs that address the changed management emphasis.

Small Tributaries Loading Strategy

The Small Tributaries Loading Strategy (STLS) is overseen by the Sources, Pathways, and Loadings Workgroup. It focuses on loadings from small tributaries (the rivers, creeks, and storm drains that enter the Bay downstream of Chipps Island), in coordination with the Municipal Regional Permit for Stormwater (MRP).

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