Fremont Tree Well Filters: LID Performance on a Redeveloped Urban Roadway (Case Study Site and Technical Reports)

Suggested citation:

Gilbreath, A.N., Hunt, J.A., and McKee, L.J., 2015. Fremont Tree Well Filters: LID Performance on a Redeveloped Urban Roadway. Prepared for the US EPA San Francisco Bay Program and the San Francisco Estuary Partnership. A report of SFEI’s Clean Water Program.. Contribution No. 772. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, California.



SFEI Journal Article on Mercury in Coastal Fish of Western North America

A journal article published in April details the findings of a collaborative survey of contaminants in fish on the California coast conducted by the RMP, the California Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program, and the Southern California Bight Program in 2009-2010. The paper used that strong dataset as a foundation for a broad review of mercury in fish on the coast of western North America.  This work was done as part of a series of articles summarizing mercury science for western North America in a special issue of Science of the Total Environment.

RMP Technical Report and Estuary News Article on Bird Egg Monitoring (June 2016)

Birds are valuable sentinel species in water quality monitoring in the Bay and in programs around the world, including the Great Lakes, the Canadian arctic, and the Baltic Sea. The RMP monitors a broad suite of contaminants in the eggs of Double-crested Cormorants and Forster’s Terns. Eggs are collected on a three-year cycle. The latest round of egg collections occurred this spring. Long-term declines in PBDEs, DDT, and dioxins have been observed. Concentrations of PCBs and PFOS have been highest in the Lower South Bay.

More Information

Workshop on Microplastic (June 2016)

In response to findings from a 2015 Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) Special Study on microplastic pollution in the Bay, the Program has begun to develop a strategy for further microplastic monitoring and science. A SFEI-hosted workshop on June 29th brought together key stakeholders and a panel of scientific experts, including Anna-Marie Cook (USEPA), Dr. Sherri Mason (SUNY Fredonia), and Dr. Chelsea Rochman (UC Davis). The Bay Area Clean Water Agencies and other technical experts also participated.

OIMA Brown Bag Seminar: Microplastic Contamination in San Francisco Bay

The State Water Board has invited SFEI's Dr. Rebecca Sutton to present findings on microplastic as part of the Office of Information Management and Analysis (OIMA) Brown Bag Seminar, a monthly webinar series. 

RMP Annual Meeting 2015

RMP Annual Meeting 2015

The RMP Annual Meeting is held every year in the early fall. The meeting is an opportunity for RMP stakeholders to discuss current RMP projects and highlight interesting new research. The 2015 RMP Annual Meeting will be part of the 12th Biennial State of the Estuary (SOE) Conference. 

Agenda for the 2015 RMP Annual Meeting

September 18, 2015

8:30 - 10:00 AM: Early morning SOE plenary on drought issues

Session Title: Future Visions for Estuary Water Quality

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