Klamath Basin Monitoring Program

Over the past decade, the Klamath Basin has been in the forefront of national attention due to contentious resource issues related to water allocation, water quality, proposed dam removal, and protection and recovery of threatened and endangered species.

Workshop on Ocean Acidification and San Francisco Bay

Estuarine acidification due to global carbon dioxide emissions and local eutrophication has the potential to have widespread impacts on marine ecosystems by reducing calcification—key to building shells, for example—in key marine organisms. Recently, the West Coast Ocean Acidification & Hypoxia (OAH) Science Panel recommended improved monitoring to assess biological impacts in the coastal ocean and estuaries. The current status and impacts of acidification on the San Francisco Bay and many other West Coast estuaries are largely unknown.

Sunset Circle Vegetated Swale and Infiltration System (Case Study Site and Technical Reports)

Suggested citation:

Gilbreath, A.N., Hunt, J.A., and McKee, L.J., 2015. Sunset Circle Vegetated Swale and Infiltration System System Monitoring Report: Rainy Seasons 2011-12 and 2012-13. Prepared for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. A report of SFEI’s Clean Water Program. Contribution No. 796. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, California.

San Francisco State University Site 3 Basin and Swale System (Case Study Site and Technical Reports)

Suggested citation: 

Gilbreath, A.N., Hunt, J.A., and McKee, L.J., 2014. San Francisco State University Site 3 Basin and Swale System Monitoring Report: Rainy Seasons 2011-12 and 2012-13. Prepared for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. A report of SFEI’s Clean Water Program. Contribution No. 795. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, California.

San Francisco State University Site 1 Vegetated Infiltration Basin (Case Study Site and Technical Reports)

Suggested citation: 

Gilbreath, A.N., Hunt, J.A., and McKee, L.J., 2014. San Francisco State University Site 1 Vegetated Infiltration Basin Monitoring Report: Rainy Seasons 2011-12 and 2012-13. Prepared for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. A report of SFEI’s Clean Water Program. Contribution No. 794. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, California.

Newcomb Avenue Green Street (Case Study Site and Technical Reports)

Suggested citation:

Gilbreath, A.N., Hunt, J.A., and McKee, L.J., 2014. Newcomb Avenue Green Street Monitoring Report: Rainy Seasons 2011-12 and 2012-13. Prepared for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. A report of SFEI’s Clean Water Program. Contribution No. 793. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, California. 

Cesar Chavez Streetscape Improvement Project (Case Study Site and Technical Reports)

Suggested citation:

Gilbreath, A.N., Wu, J., Hunt, J.A., and McKee, L.J., 2015. Cesar Chavez Streetscape Improvement Project Report: Rainy Season 2014-15. Prepared for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. A report of SFEI’s Clean Water Program. Contribution No. 797. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, California.

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