Introducing the New RMP Manager: Dr. Melissa Foley

SFEI is very pleased to announce that Dr. Melissa Foley joined our staff as the new RMP Manager in late December. She is a marine ecologist by training but an interdisciplinary scientist in practice. She has extensive experience working with scientists, lawyers, decision-makers, tribes, and stakeholders on a wide range of topics, including water quality, wildfire, dam removal, cross-habitat connectivity, ocean acidification, spatial planning, cumulative effects, ecological tipping points, and ecosystem-based management.

RMP Journal Article: Characterization of brominated, chlorinated, and phosphate flame retardants in San Francisco Bay, an urban estuary

Dr. Rebecca Sutton and Jennifer Sun of SFEI, along with other colleagues from Jinan University in China, Southern Illinois University, and the California Academy of Sciences, recently published an article in the journal Science of the Total Environment on flame retardants in the Bay.

Clean Water Program Journal Article: Optimal Selection and Placement of Green Infrastructure in Urban Watersheds for PCB Control

Green infrastructure, such as permeable pavement, rain gardens, tree-well planters, and bioswales, can provide cost-effective, resilient approaches to managing stormwater at its source while delivering environmental, social, and economic benefits. In January Dr.

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