5th International Symposium on Brominated Flame Retardants in Kyoto

Susan Klosterhaus gave a presentation entitled "Recent studies on the identification and occurrence of PentaBDE replacement chemicals in indoor and outdoor environments" at the 5th International Symposium on Brominated Flame Retardants held April 7-9, 2010 in Kyoto, Japan. Her presentation included information on the chemicals currently being used in furniture foam and baby products since the phaseout of PentaBDE began in 2004 and their detection in house dust, sewage sludge, sediments, and wildlife from samples collected in California and elsewhere in the United States.

AA AS Pacific Division - San Francisco Bay: The Coming Flood ?

Jay Davis was quoted in Science September 25, 20 09, in an article titled AA AS Pacific Division - San Francisco Bay: The Coming Flood ? Vol. 325. no. 5948, pp. 1637 - 1640 DOI: 10.1126/science.325 _1637 A AAS News and Notes.

Nicole David presents results from the Green Infill Clean Stormwater Project in Brisbane

Nicole will be giving a presentation titled, How are Stormwater Treatment Measures Working at Serramonte Library? Preliminary Water Quality Monitoring Results at the San Mateo County, Water Pollution Prevention Program Workshop in Brisbane regarding preliminary results from the Green Infill Clean Stormwater Project.




Guadalupe River Watershed Model, Year 2

Authors: John Oram, Michelle Lent, Lester McKee (SFEI)

SFEI coordinates LTMS Methylmercury Symposium

SFEI coordinated the MeHg Symposium for the LTMS on the topic of the potential for mercury methylation from dredging activities and dredged material placement and reuse. The meeting was attended by scientist, managers, and the dredging community. Speakers included Leticia Grenier and Don Yee from SFEI. Josh Collins was the facilitator. The meeting ended with a panel discussion on possible ext steps for answering management questions, particularly questions regarding beneficial reuse of dredged material in habitat restoration projects.

Pajama Contaminant in Bay Mud

Susan Klosterhaus was quoted for the October 2009 Estuary Newsletter by SFEP. The article is located on the front page

Nicole David - ACS Presentation

Title: Comparison of agricultural run-off between organic farming and conventional chemical farming

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