a. Water Level Calculations

The level of the water will be determined by measuring along the lining above the water level (X). The actual water level (h) will be determined by subtracting X from the total length of lining (X1) and converting it into a vertical distance:

h = 0.55 (X1 - X)

b. Depth of Sediment

The depth of sediment (d) will be determined by subtracting the reading (y) obtained from the sediment probe to the water level (h):

d = h - y

c. Cross-Sectional Area of Sediment

The cross-sectional area of the sediment will be determined by assuming that the upper surface of the sediment is flat and that it occupies a trapezoidal area. The formula for finding the area of sediment is as follows:

Area = 1/2 * (8 + (8 + 2 * d * 1.5)) * d

d. Volume of Sediment

The volume of sediment in the SLD will be calculated by averaging the cross sectional area between readings and multiplying by the length. The formula for the sediment volume is as follows:

Volume = (Average Area) * Length * 0.037

where length is the distance between probe readings and 0.037 is the factor by which cubic feet are converted to cubic yards.