In addition to the overall project purpose of removing subsurface agricultural drainage water from wetland channels, participating entities and agencies have supported the project in the expectation that it will lead to accomplishment of broader drainage management goals. The following project goals have been articulated by the team in the process of developing this monitoring plan:

  1. to ensure that GBP implementation meets with the commitments made as part of the UA, EA, Supplemental EA, FONSI and consensus letter to the CVRWQCB. These commitments are summarized as follows:
    • a. to ensure that progress continues toward long-term resolution of drainage issues including selenium load reductions; and
    • b. to ensure that there are no significant adverse effects to fish and wildlife, other environmental resources or public health due to the project.
  2. to determine whether long-term use of the SLD is appropriate, in part, by assessing the operation and impacts of the short-term project. This assessment will contribute to developing an Environmental Impact Statement should continued use of the SLD be contemplated.
  3. to encourage and facilitate identification, implementation and assessment of improved drainage management techniques and to provide the information necessary to improve management techniques, as required.
  4. to improve, where possible, the current scientific understanding of selenium fate and transport so as to provide the information necessary to reduce risk to the ecological system.

Of these project goals, 1 and to some extent 4 are addressed directly through this monitoring plan. Goals 2, 3, and 4 will be addressed in developing long-term management strategies over the course of the interim project.