Table 1.2 summarizes the GBP findings and commitments which were developed as part of the UA, EA, Supplemental EA, and FONSI. The table is divided into the following categories: physical, water quality, biological/ecosystem, sediment, human health/environmental justice, historical/Indian trust, drainage management, and construction.

Physical findings or commitments include monitoring flow and impacts of any increased incidence of flooding. Water quality findings or commitments include achieving selenium load targets and not adversely impacting the ability to achieve objectives standards in the San Joaquin River. Biological/ecosystem commitments include the prevention of significant adverse environmental impacts, relative to the no project condition, and the improvement of wetland management. Sediment findings or commitments include preventing mobilization and discharge of drain sediment discharge from the SLD and the removal of sediments before reaching the hazardous waste criterion level. Human health/environmental justice findings or commitments include the prevention of significant adverse effects to public health and the enforcement of fishing/gathering prohibitions. Historical/Indian trust findings or commitments include the prevention of impacts to historic or Indian trust resources. Drainage management findings or commitments include the cooperation with downstream water users and the identification of the most effective and cost efficient water quality control measures. Construction-related findings or commitments include the prevention of impacts to plants and animals during construction activities.

Specific findings or commitments are made in each of these categories. The GBP Monitoring Plan is designed to collect data that will allow evaluation of many of the findings or commitments. Other of these commitments set rules or boundaries under which the project is to operate and these will be evaluated by the GBP Oversight Committee (OC) using monitoring data as well as other relevant information.