The GBP involves the coordination and cooperation of several State and Federal agencies whose authority, interests, or activities directly overlap in one or more aspects of the project. These agencies include: the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region (CVRWQCB), the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), and the San Luis Delta-Mendota Water Authority (SLD-MWA). The latter organization represents the collection of local drainage and water districts that will use and operate the bypass.

The SLD-MWA will be responsible for controlling agricultural drainage water flows to and from the bypass in a manner consistent with the terms of the UA, EA/FONSI, and the consensus letter, including the Basin Plan and Waste Discharge Requirements, when adopted. The CVRWQCB sets and enforces water quality regulations and will issue waste discharge requirements governing discharges from the bypass within two years of the beginning of its operation. The USBR, as owner of the SLD (bypass), has granted permission for use of the bypass through the UA, and hence is responsible for decisions regarding use of the facility and compliance with the UA and FONSI. However, decisions regarding the project will be assisted by an Oversight Committee (OC), as described in the UA and FONSI. Table 5.1 depicts the anticipated organization, structure, and membership of the Oversight Committee and subcommittees.