Field sampling techniques will follow the protocol described in "Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity for Effluents and Receiving Water to Fresh Water Organisms" 3rd Ed (EPA-600-4-91-022) for fatheads and algae. The Daphnia magna 7-D test protocol is found in EPA-600-D87-080. The protocol is included in the QAPP. Grab samples will be collected as they are easier to collect and may capture potential peaks in toxicity.

Water from each site will be collected in a one-gallon bucket. The sample will be transferred to a 2.5 gallon cubitainer, stored in a cooler and transported back to the laboratory. Before sampling, the bucket and sample containers will be rinsed with site water. Samples for chemical analysis will be transferred directly from the bucket to the appropriate sample container. Nitric acid will be added to the 500 mL container for selenium analysis; no preservative will be added to the sample container for sulfate analysis.

Water for the laboratory study will be collected 3 times during the 7-day testing period; on test days 0, 2, and 4. The first sample will be used for test initiation and for test solution renewal on day 2. The second sample will be used for test solution renewal on days 3 and 4. The third sample will be used for test solution renewal on days 5, 6, and 7.