The water quality reference site on Mud Slough (north) (Site C) and Site D will be monitored on a weekly basis for boron and total selenium (Table 4.3.1), in order to assess compliance with the CVRWQCB water quality goals for Mud Slough (north) and to assess the changes in water quality in Mud Slough (north) as a result of SLD discharges. Site D will also be monitored on a continuous basis for EC and temperature.

Site E will be monitored on a bimonthly, synoptic basis for total selenium and EC. Selenium mass accounting studies will be conducted bimonthly using the data collected at Sites D and E during these visits. A bimonthly sampling frequency will allow evaluation of selenium discharges for the various environmental and agricultural management cycles.

Site I is a potential backwater site important for biological monitoring. Water quality sampling may be conducted to provide data in support of the biological monitoring at this site. The frequency of sampling for this study will depend upon the frequency of the occurrence of backwater at Site I.