Katie McKnight's picture

Katie  McKnight, MLA-EP

Senior Design Manager
Design and Communications
Resilient Landscapes Program
Shoreline Resilience
Watershed Science & Management

Katie McKnight joined SFEI’s Resilient Landscapes team in 2016. Her work focuses on fluvial and tidal geomorphic processes in Bay Area rivers and wetlands, with particular focus on climate change adaptation and sediment management. Her work also examines how landscapes have changed over time and uses this information to guide landscape-scale restoration and adaptation strategies in watersheds and along shorelines. Her skill set includes fieldwork, synthesis of scientific literature, geospatial analysis, cartography, scientific illustrations, graphic design, oral presentations, and project management. Prior to joining SFEI, Katie earned her Master of Landscape Architecture in Environmental Planning from UC Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design.

Related Projects, News, and Events

Flood Control 2.0 Completed! (News)

SFEI and several agency partners recently completed a multi-year, EPA funded project called Flood Control 2.0. The goal of the project was to develop information that is useful for integrating habitat restoration into flood management at the Bay edge. Project outputs are now available at floodcontrol.sfei.org.

South Bay Landscape Vision Workshop (News)

On June 7, SFEI, in partnership with the Santa Clara Valley Water District and South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project, hosted a landscape “visioning” workshop in San Jose. The goal of the workshop was to develop a resilient, multi-benefit vision highlighting opportunities along the South Bay shoreline for supporting both tidal marsh restoration and flood management.

A multi-partner project to create placed-based sea-level rise adaptation strategies (News)

As sea level rise accelerates in the San Francisco Bay, scientists, planners, and decision makers will need to re-envision and adapt our complex shoreline to provide ecological and social resilience. Although there are many efforts currently underway in the region to assess climate change vulnerabilities, the region lacks a coherent science-based framework for guiding and evaluating climate adaptation strategies appropriate to our diverse shoreline settings.