Kayli Paterson's picture

Kayli Paterson, MS/MPA

Associate Environmental Scientist
Clean Water Program
Contaminants of Emerging Concern
Kayli Paterson
Kayli Paterson

Kayli supports the Clean Water team's contaminants of concern monitoring efforts. She is passionate about the water-related health and safety of the communities and wildlife that call the Bay Area home. Prior to SFEI, she earned her Master of Environmental and Sustainability Studies and Master of Public Administration from the College of Charleston. The research for her thesis project examined how effective modern stormwater grey infrastructure was at capturing microplastics and tire particles of varying densities from being released into adjacent salt marshes. Before earning her master's degree, she was enlisted as an electrical technician in the U.S. Coast Guard. She earned her bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from Oregon State University.

Related Projects, News, and Events

Statewide Plastics Monitoring Plan & Strategy (Project)

Plastics, in their various chemical composition and sizes, pose serious challenges to the vitality of California's ecosystems. Once escaped into the environment, plastic contamination persists for very long periods and breaks down into ever smaller pieces, becoming more readily available to wildlife and populations who live, work, and play in those same habitats.