Publications for Bay RMP


Trinh M. 2021 Update to Copper Rolling Average. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2024. (556.45 KB)
Trinh M. 2021 Update to Cyanide Rolling Averages. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2024. (552.88 KB)


2023 RMP Margins & Nearfield Sediment and Prey Fish Cruise Report. Moss Landing, CA: San Jose State University Research Foundation; 2023. (3.05 MB)
Yee D, Wong A. Re-evaluation of the Floating Percentile Method for Deriving Dredged Sediment Screening Guidelines. Richmond, California: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2023. (3.4 MB)
McKnight K, Braud A, Dusterhoff S, et al. Conceptual Understanding of Fine Sediment Transport in San Francisco Bay. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2023. (46.2 MB)
Kleckner A, Sutton R, Yee D, Wong A, Davis J, Salop P. 2023 RMP Dry Season Water Cruise Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2023. (3.21 MB)
Kleckner A, Sutton R, Yee D, Wong A, Davis J, Salop P. 2023 RMP Sediment Cruise Sampling and Analysis Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2023. (445.99 KB)
Mendez M, Kleckner A, Sutton R, et al. 2023 Bay Prey Fish and Near-field / Margins Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2023. (406.78 KB)
Kleckner A, Sutton R, Yee D, Gilbreath A, Trinh M. Water Year 2023 RMP Near-Field Water Sampling and Analysis Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2023. (13.36 MB)
2023 Status and Trends Monitoring - Sampling Plans and QA Reports.; 2023. (3.21 MB) (13.36 MB) (445.99 KB) (406.78 KB) (259.64 KB) (432.95 KB) (3.05 MB)
2023 RMP Sediment Cruise Report. Livermore, CA: Applied Marine Sciences; 2023. (259.64 KB)
2023 RMP Water Cruise Report. Livermore, CA: Applied Marine Sciences; 2023. (432.95 KB)


Applied Marine Sciences. 2021 RMP Water Cruise Report. Livermore, CA: Applied Marine Sciences; 2022. (1.52 MB)


Foley M, Sutton R, Yee D, Salop P. 2021 RMP Water Cruise Plan. Richmond, California: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2021. (1.52 MB)
2020-21 RMP North Bay Selenium Study. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2021. (7.65 MB)
Ellisor D, Buzby N, Weaver M, Foley M, Pugh R. The San Francisco Estuary Institute Collection at the NIST Biorepository. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology; 2021. doi: (1.28 MB)
Buzby N, Davis JA, Sutton R, et al. Contaminant Concentrations in Sport Fish from San Francisco Bay: 2019. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2021. (5.15 MB)


2020 Bay RMP Detailed Workplan and Budget. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2020. (359.38 KB)
Buzby N, Yee D, Foley M, David J, Sigala M, Bonnema A. 2019 Sport Fish Monitoring Sampling and Analysis Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2020. (628 KB)
Franz A, Salop P. 2019 Bay RMP Water Cruise Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2020. (2.86 MB)
2019-20 RMP North Bay Selenium Study. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2020. (4.22 MB)


Sigala M. 2019 RMP Contaminant Concentrations in San Francisco Bay Sportfish Cruise Report. Moss Landing, CA: Marine Pollution Studies Laboratory, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories; 2019. (12.28 MB)
Yee D, Davis J, Buzby N. 2019 Selenium Intercomparison and Laboratory Selection Memorandum. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2019. (68.46 KB)
Salop P, Herrmann C. 2019 RMP Water Cruise Report. Livermore, CA: Applied Marine Sciences; 2019. (321.45 KB)
Yee D, Wong A, Buzby N. Characterization of Sediment Contamination in South Bay Margin Areas. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2019. (6.05 MB)


Salop P. 2018 RMP Bivalve Deployment Cruise Report. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute ; 2018. (846.17 KB)
Trowbridge P, Wong A, Davis J, Ackerman J. 2018 RMP Bird Egg Monitoring Sampling and Analysis Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2018. (882.63 KB)
Shimabuku I, Trowbridge P, Salop P. 2018 RMP Bivalve Deployment Cruise Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2018. (268.38 KB)
Franz A, Trowbridge P, Salop P. 2018 RMP Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2018. (1.7 MB)
Salop P, Franz A. 2018 RMP Sediment Cruise Report. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute ; 2018. (1014.5 KB)
Shimabuku I, Trowbridge P, Salop P. 2018 RMP Bivalve Retrieval Cruise Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2018. (466.59 KB)
Shimabuku I, Trowbridge P, Salop P, Franz A. 2018 RMP Bivalve Retrieval Cruise Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute ; 2018. (466.59 KB)
Salop P, Shimabuku I, Davis J, Franz A. 2018 Bivalve Retrieval Cruise Report. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute ; 2018. (738.95 KB)
Shimabuku I, Trowbridge P, Sun J. Bay 2017 Bay RMP Field Sampling Report. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute ; 2018. (7.01 MB)
Trowbridge P. Status & Trends Monitoring Design: 2018 Update. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute ; 2018. (1.13 MB)
Yee D. 2017 RMP Water Samples Quality Assurance Report. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2018. (212.28 KB)
Yee D. 2017 RMP Bay Margins Sediment Samples Quality Assurance Report. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2018. (210.1 KB)
Shimabuku I, Pearce S, Trowbridge P, Franz A, Yee D, Salop P. Field Operations Manual for the Regional Monitoring Program. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2018. (1.43 MB)


Salop P. 2017 RMP Water Cruise Report. Livermore, CA: Applied Marine Sciences; 2017. (1.16 MB)
Sun J, Pearce S, Trowbridge P. RMP Field Sampling Report 2016. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2017. (1.08 MB)
Lin D, Sun J, Yee D, Franz A, Trowbridge P, Salop P. 2017 RMP Water Cruise Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute ; 2017. (3.63 MB)
Fairey R, Sigala M. 2017 Margins Microplastics Cruise Report. Moss Landing, CA: Coastal Conservancy & Research; 2017. (1.95 MB)
Trowbridge P, Sun J, Franz A, Yee D. 2017 Margins Sediment Cruise Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute ; 2017. (919.33 KB)
Yee D. 2016 RMP Bird Egg Samples Quality Assurance Report. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2017. (332.09 KB)
Yee D. 2016 RMP Bivalve Samples Quality Assurance Report. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute ; 2017. (284.38 KB)
Yee D, Wong A, Shimabuku I, Trowbridge P. Characterization of Sediment Contamination in Central Bay Margin Areas. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2017. (2.89 MB)


RMP. 2016 RMP Multi-Year Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2016. (5.57 MB)
SFEI. 2015 Annual Monitoring Report. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2016. (3.28 MB)
Hunt J, Trowbridge P, Yee D, Franz A, Davis J. Sampling and Analysis Plan for 2016 RMP Status and Trends Bird Egg Monitoring. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2016:31 pp. (298.16 KB)


Yee D. 2014 RMP Sediment Samples Quality Assurance Report. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2015. (467.89 KB)
Yee D. 2013 RMP Water Samples Quality Assurance Report. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2015. (493.04 KB)
San Francisco Estuary Institute. 2013-2014 Annual Monitoring Results. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2015. (2.86 MB)
Yee D. 2014 RMP Bivalve Samples Quality Assurance Report. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2015. (444.44 KB)
RMP Lead Scientist. 2015 RMP Artesian Slough Sampling & Analysis Plan. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2015. (250.05 KB)
Applied Marine Sciences. 2015 RMP Water Cruise Report. Livermore, CA: Applied Marine Sciences; 2015. (233.29 KB)
Applied Marine Sciences. 2015 RMP Water Cruise Plan. Livermore, CA: Applied Marine Sciences; 2015. (770.62 KB)


Applied Marine Sciences. 2013 RMP Water Cruise Plan. Livermore, CA: Applied Marine Sciences; 2014. (996.06 KB)






Gunther AJ. The Segmentation of the San Francisco Bay/Delta. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 1987:18. (1.23 MB)