Projects Related to the Wetland Monitoring & Assessment

Lahontan EcoAtlas Development

This project will create an EcoAtlas user community for the Lahontan region of the Sierra Nevada to develop capacities within the region to apply EcoAtlas through existing local, regional, state, and federal programs to track projects and summarize map-based and rapid assessment information at the watershed scale.

Habitat Restoration Project Tracking

This project expands the current capabilities of the wetland project tracking system for the monitoring and assessment of California’s aquatic resources to meet the project tracking, assessment, and reporting needs for current and planned habitat restoration in the San Francisco Bay-Delta and Central Valley.

Publications related to the Wetland Monitoring & Assessment

The Institute has collectively produced more than 1300 reports, articles, and other publications over the course of its 24-year existence. The following list represents those publications associated with this individual program and its focus areas.

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Year of Publication: 2013

San Francisco Estuary Institute. RipZET Python 3x User's Manual v1.0. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2013.  (2.25 MB)
Lowe S, Josh Collins, Pearce S. Statistical Design, Analysis, and Graphics for the Guadalupe River Watershed Assessment 2012. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2013 . Report No.: 687.  (4.88 MB)

Year of Publication: 2012

Year of Publication: 2011

Year of Publication: 2010

Year of Publication: 2009

Bay Area Base Map. 2009.  (1.27 MB)

Where Our Wetland Monitoring & Assessment Works