Projects Related to the Watershed Science & Management

Flood Control 2.0

Flood Control 2.0 is an ambitious regional effort aimed at helping restore stream and wetland habitats, water quality, and shoreline resilience around San Francisco Bay. The project leverages local resources from several forward-looking flood control agencies to redesign major flood control channels so that they provide both future flood conveyance and ecological benefit under a changing climate. This timely project will develop a set of innovative approaches for bringing environmental benefits and cost-savings to flood protection efforts at the mouths of creeks that drain to San Francisco Bay.

Publications related to the Watershed Science & Management

The Institute has collectively produced more than 1300 reports, articles, and other publications over the course of its 24-year existence. The following list represents those publications associated with this individual program and its focus areas.

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Year of Publication: 2019

Church T, Beagle J, Whipple A, Desanker G, Richey A, Quinn M, et al.. Sycamore Alluvial Woodland Presence and Distribution. Contra Costa County: Contra Costa Watershed Symposium; 2019.  (6.2 MB)

Year of Publication: 2018

McKnight K, Dusterhoff SD, Grossinger RM, Askevold RA. Resilient Landscape Vision for the Calabazas Creek, San Tomas Aquino Creek, and Pond A8 Area: Bayland-Creek Reconnection Opportunities. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute-Aquatic Science Center; 2018 p. 40. Report No.: 870.  (68.63 MB) (20.14 MB)
Richey A, Dusterhoff SD, McKnight K, Salomon M, Hagerty S, Askevold RA, et al.. Resilient Landscape Vision for Upper Penitencia Creek. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute - Aquatic Science Center; 2018 . Report No.: 894.  (67.6 MB) (11.75 MB)

Year of Publication: 2017

Dusterhoff S, Pearce S, McKee LJ ., Doehring C, Beagle J, McKnight K, et al.. Changing Channels: Regional Information for Developing Multi-benefit Flood Control Channels at the Bay Interface. Flood Control 2.0. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2017 . Report No.: 801.  (62.69 MB) (23.02 MB)
Safran SM, Baumgarten SA, Beller EE, Crooks JA, Grossinger RM, Lorda J, et al.. Tijuana River Valley Historical Ecology Investigation. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute - Aquatic Science Center ; 2017 p. 230. Report No.: 760.  (232.2 MB) (73.63 MB)

Year of Publication: 2016

Year of Publication: 2015

San Francisco Estuary Institute. RipZET: The Riparian Zone Estimation Tool version 2.0. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2015 .  (5.11 MB)
The Baylands and Climate Change: What We Can Do. Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Science Update 2015. Oakland, CA: California State Coastal Conservancy; 2015 .  (31.68 MB)

Year of Publication: 2014

Where Our Watershed Science & Management Works