Projects Related to the Geographic Information Services

Head of Tide

SFEI completed a pilot study focused on creating a framework for a rapid protocol that can be used to delineate the current and future head of tide zone for San Francisco Bay tributaries using both “desktop” and field investigations.

Mapping Shoreline Change in San Pablo Bay

Using a systematic, empirical, and repeatable approach, we mapped the location of the shorelines in San Pablo Bay at three points in time: 1855, 1993, and 2010. We then measured rates of change over the long (1855-1993) and short-term (1993-2010) to identify zones of erosion, progradation, and areas that have remained stable.

Visualizing and Sharing Intensive Data Assessments

With California's drought rapidly changing the outlook for natural resources, decision-makers must be equipped with information and tools that facilitate clear and rapid decisions. The proposed grant would fund the standardization, visualization, and sharing of Level 3 data. 

San Francisco Bay Shore Inventory

SFEI is developing an online interactive map to support regional planning and assessment given accelerated sea level rise around the Bay.

Publications related to the Geographic Information Services

The Institute has collectively produced more than 1300 reports, articles, and other publications over the course of its 24-year existence. The following list represents those publications associated with this individual program and its focus areas.

Nothing found

Year of Publication: 2016

Doehring C, Beagle J, Lowe J, Grossinger RM, Salomon M, Kauhanen P, et al.. San Francisco Bay Shore Inventory: Mapping for Sea Level Rise Planning. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2016 . Report No.: 779.  (20.33 MB)

Year of Publication: 2015

San Francisco Estuary Institute. RipZET: The Riparian Zone Estimation Tool version 2.0. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2015 .  (5.11 MB)

Year of Publication: 2014

Lowe S, Robinson A, Frontiera P, Cayce K, Collins JN. Creating Landscape Profiles of Aquatic Resource Abundance, Diversity and Condition. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute - Aquatic Science Center; 2014 p. 21. Report No.: 725.  (651.67 KB)

Year of Publication: 2013

San Francisco Estuary Institute. RipZET Python 3x User's Manual v1.0. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2013.  (2.25 MB)

Year of Publication: 2011

Year of Publication: 2009

Year of Publication: 2006

Grossinger RM, Collins JN, Cayce K, Askevold RA, Featherston T, Zhang E. U.S. Coast Survey Maps of SFBay [Internet]. San Francisco Estuary Institute, prepared for Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevential Program; 2006.

Where Our Geographic Information Services Works