Projects Related to the Software Engineering

The Pulse of the Bay the Pulse of the Bay! This report from the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay features articles on the four major pathways by which pollutants enter the Bay: municipal wastewater, industrial wastewater, stormwater, and dredging and dredged sediment disposal.  Each article provides a basic introduction to the pathway and discusses the regulatory framework, recent findings, and future challenges.  The report also includes some of the latest highlights from monitoring of important parameters such as nutrients, emerging contaminants, mercury, PCBs, and selenium.    

Statewide Plastics Monitoring Plan & Strategy

Plastics, in their various chemical composition and sizes, pose serious challenges to the vitality of California's ecosystems. Once escaped into the environment, plastic contamination persists for very long periods and breaks down into ever smaller pieces, becoming more readily available to wildlife and populations who live, work, and play in those same habitats.

RipZET: A GIS-based Tool for Estimating Riparian Zones

The Riparian Zone Estimator Tool (RipZET) is a decision support tool developed by the San Francisco Estuary Institute and Aquatic Science Center for the California Riparian Habitat Joint Venture and the California Water Resources Control Board to assist in the visualization and characterization of riparian areas in the watershed context.

Healthy Watersheds Resilient Baylands

Through the EPA-funded Healthy Watersheds Resilient Baylands project, SFEI and sixteen partner organizations are developing multi-benefit tools to enhance climate change resilience in San Francisco Bay. Healthy Watersheds Resilient Baylands has two major components: Multi-benefit Urban Greening and Tidal Wetlands Restoration. Through both components, we have developed strategies that inform  policy, planning, and design of innovative implementation projects.

SediMatch Web Tool

SediMatch is a web tool for matching restoration projects that need sediment with navigational and flood protection dredging projects and other "sediment suppliers" throughout the region to meet current and future sediment supply needs.


Green infrastructure (GI), such as permeable pavement, rain gardens, tree-well planters, or bioswales, can be used as cost-effective, resilient approaches to managing stormwater at its source while delivering environmental, social, and economic benefits for your community. GreenPlan-IT is a versatile open-source toolset that helps aid municipalities with their efforts to plan and evaluate the placement of green infrastructure in the landscape and track the effectiveness of these installations in reducing stormwater run-off, PCB, and mercury in receiving waters.


EcoAtlas is a set of tools for generating, assembling, storing, visualizing, sharing, and reporting environmental data and information.

Russian River Watershed Projects at the San Francisco Estuary Institute

Our projects in the Russian River Watershed help us to understand our past, understand our present, and envision our future. Learn more about what SFEI is doing in partnership with others to advance our scientific understanding of this valuable landscape.

Contaminant Data Download and Display (CD3)

Contaminant Data Display and Download Tool or CD3  is an innovative visualization tool for accessing water quality data for the San Francisco Bay-Delta and northern montane regions. It is the primary tool for accessing and downloading the San Francisco Bay Regional Monitoring Program’s (RMP) long-term dataset and other project data stored in SFEI's Regional Data Center (RDC).

Satellite Imaging to Detect Cyanobacterial Blooms

Satellite remote sensing will aid the State of California in assessing cyanobacterial bloom threats to animal and human health across the state’s numerous large lakes. 

Publications related to the Software Engineering

The Institute has collectively produced more than 1300 reports, articles, and other publications over the course of its 24-year existence. The following list represents those publications associated with this individual program and its focus areas.

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Year of Publication: 2023

SFEI. Landscape Scenario Planning Tool User Guide v2.2.0. Richmond, Calif: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2023 .  (5.27 MB)

Year of Publication: 2022

Year of Publication: 2021

Moore S, Hale T, Weisberg SB, Flores L, Kauhanen P. California Trash Monitoring Methods and Assessments Playbook. Richmond, Calif.: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2021 . Report No.: 1025.  (299.99 MB)
Moore S, Hale T, Weisberg SB, Flores L, Kauhanen P. Field Testing Report: California Trash Monitoring Methods. Richmond, Calif.: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2021 . Report No.: 1026.  (14.46 MB)

Year of Publication: 2020

Year of Publication: 2018

Hale T, Sim L, McKee LJ. GreenPlan-IT Tracker. Bradt J. Richmond, CA: San Francisco Estuary Institute; 2018.  (1.43 MB)

Year of Publication: 2015

Where Our Software Engineering Works