Coastal Cleanup Day Information in East Bay Express

Just in time for California Coastal Cleanup Day, an insert in today’s East Bay Express provides readers with ways to help protect San Francisco Bay. The East Bay Municipal Utility District invites Bay residents to volunteer for creek and Bay cleanups on Saturday, and take everyday steps for the health of the environment, like fixing leaky pipes and flushing only the 3 P’s – not wipes or medications.

New Manuscript on Pollutants in the Guadalupe River Addresses Key Questions

Guadalupe River is contaminated with mercury mining wastes from runoff associated with the historic New Almaden Mining District in the upper watershed that produced 40 million kilograms during its working life (1850-1975) and with PCB and other urban pollutants from a long history of urbanization and industrial land uses.

SFEI has been monitoring pollutant concentrations in the Guadalupe River during winter storms since October 2002. The result is one of the world’s most extensive data sets on mercury, PCBs, and other pollutant concentrations and loads in an urban river.  In a recent manuscript, SFEI staff used the dataset to answer three major questions.

Flood Control 2.0 Completed!

SFEI and several agency partners recently completed a multi-year, EPA funded project called Flood Control 2.0. The goal of the project was to develop information that is useful for integrating habitat restoration into flood management at the Bay edge. Project outputs are now available at

Talk: Science to Inform and Advance Environmental Protections

SFEI's Dr. Rebecca Sutton will be speaking at an event hosted by the Women Chemists Committee of the California Section of the American Chemical Society.  All are invited to attend.

Topic: “Science to Inform and Advance Environmental Protection”

Location: USDA Laboratory, 800 Buchanan Street, Albany

Time: 10:30am – 11:00 am Snacks and Coffee; 11:00 am Discussion and lunch.

Cost: $15.00 for lunch ($7.00 for students and unemployed);  Technical discussion is free

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