RMP Steering Committee

This meeting will be held at the SFEI-ASC offices at 4911 Central Avenue, Richmond, CA 94804. Open this event for meeting materials and WebEx info.

To join the meeting by WebEx use the following link and call-in number:

Link: https://sfei.webex.com/sfei/j.php?MTID=md07b7c882510b596b88f34fda40f0390

Phone: 1-650-479-3208, Access Code 625 368 895

News of the decline in a flame-retardant chemical's impact on SF Bay continues to resonate

Chemistry World, Scientific American, KRCB North Bay Public Radio, Chemical and Engineering News, and others tackled the story featured on the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle. With respect to the family of chemicals called PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers), there appears to be some very good news to report.

Ten Years After Toxic Chemical Phase-Out, Strong Signs of Recovery for San Francisco Bay

The attached fact sheet details the widespread and rapid declines in flame retardant pollution in many San Francisco Bay species, according to a new study released by the San Francisco Estuary Institute. See the article mentioning the Institute and SFEI's own Rebecca Sutton in the San Francisco Chronicle.

The December issue of Estuary News provides a timely overview of stormwater pollution concerns and management directions

Ariel Rubissow-Okamoto’s article “Stormwater: Beyond the Bag Ban,” based on interviews with SFEI Senior Scientist Lester McKee, BASMAA program representatives Chris Sommers and Matt Fabry, and Tom Mumley of the Water Board provides a timely overview of stormwater pollution concerns and management directions ahead of the reissuance of the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES permit (MRP).

The article includes:

RMP TRC Meeting

RMP Technical Review Committee meeting - December 10, 2014 at 10 AM. Click here for the complete agenda package.

Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) Update, 2014 - Now an eBook

The Regional Monitoring Program (RMP), is a 23-year year running “annual check-up” on the health of San Francisco Bay. Led by an SFEI science team, the RMP Update provides a concise overview of what the RMP is finding about Bay pollution, sources and trends. It also looks ahead to major water quality science efforts the coming years to serve the Bay Area’s eight million residents.

The report includes:

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