RMP Annual Meeting

The 28th RMP Annual Meeting was hosted on Thursday, October 14th, 2021. Fully virtual for the second year, the meeting included an excellent lineup with presentations from RMP staff and other invited experts.  We heard about and discussed findings on Bay sediment supply, PFAS, tire particles and chemicals, and contaminants in Bay fish, among other topics. If you missed the meeting or any specific sessions, recordings of the meeting and presenter slides will be posted below shortly

2018 RMP Sediment Data Quality Assurance Report

Yee, D. 2019. 2018 RMP Sediment Data Quality Assurance Report. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.

In 2018, sediment samples were collected from 27 stations (7 historical sites, with the rest from the GRTS random draw panels) for the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay. The details of the cruise and sample collection methods are described in the RMP Quality Assurance Program Plan, cruise plans, cruise reports, and field sampling reports. These documents are available from the SFEI website (http://www.sfei.org/content/status-and-trends-monitoring-documents).

2018 RMP Tissue Data Quality Assurance Report

Yee, D. 2019. 2018 RMP Tissue Data Quality Assurance Report. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.

In 2018, bivalve tissue samples were collected from six Bay/Delta stations and a reference site for the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay. Bird egg tissue samples were collected from two sites for cormorants, and four sites for terns. General descriptions of the sample collection methods are provided in the RMP Quality Assurance Program Plan, cruise plans, cruise reports, and sampling reports. These documents are available from the SFEI website (http://www.sfei.org/content/status-and-trends-monitoring-documents)

2019 RMP Data Quality Assurance Report

Yee, D. 2021. 2019 RMP Data Quality Assurance Report. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.

This memo provides a high-level summary of the quality assurance assessment for data reported by the RMP.  In 2019, fish tissue samples were collected from nine Bay/Delta areas and three additional wetland/slough areas for the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay (RMP). General descriptions of the sample collection methods are provided in the RMP Quality Assurance Program Plan, cruise plans, cruise reports, and field sampling reports. These documents are available from the SFEI website (http://www.sfei.org/content/status-and-trends-monitoring-documents).

2020-21 RMP North Bay Selenium Study

2021. 2020-21 RMP North Bay Selenium Study. SFEI Contribution No. 1052. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.

This report details activities associated with the Regional Monitoring Program North Bay Selenium Study in 2020 and 2021. The study was designed to monitor two sites for selenium (Se) in water and clam tissue six times annually between June and February. Due to the COVID pandemic, however, four sample collection events were completed. This report outlines the sampling activities, personnel, and site locations monitored for the project.


2019-20 RMP North Bay Selenium Study

2020. 2019-20 RMP North Bay Selenium Study. 2019-20 RMP North Bay Selenium Study. SFEI Contribution No. 1051. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.

This report details activities associated with the Regional Monitoring Program North Bay Selenium Study. The  study was designed to monitor two sites for selenium (Se) in clam tissues and water six times between June  2019 and February 2020. This report outlines the sampling activities, personnel, and site locations monitored for  the project. 

Summary for Managers: Non-targeted Analysis of Stormwater Runoff following the 2017 Northern San Francisco Bay Area Wildfires

Miller, E.; Sedlak, M.; Sutton, R.; Chang, D.; Dodder, N.; Hoh, E. 2021. Summary for Managers: Non-targeted Analysis of Stormwater Runoff following the 2017 Northern San Francisco Bay Area Wildfires. SFEI Contribution No. 1045. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.

Urban-wildland interfaces in the western US are increasingly threatened by the growing number and intensity of wildfires, potentially changing the type of contaminants released into the landscape as more urban structures are burned. In October 2017, the Tubbs, Nuns, and Atlas wildfires devastated communities in Northern California (Figure 1), burning over 8,500 buildings and 210,000 acres of land in the span of 24 days (California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection 2017). Together, these wildfires were the most destructive and costliest fires in the history of California at that time (California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection 2019). 

Post-wildfire monitoring efforts in impacted watersheds typically focus on a few well-established water quality and chemistry concerns (McKee et al. 2018). Few studies go beyond these limited targeted analyses and attempt to identify the multitude of other fire-related compounds that are released from or form as the result of combustion of residential, commercial, and industrial structures in urban-wildland interfaces. Some of these unidentified compounds may be toxic to aquatic ecosystems or human health, and may pose risks to wildlife or in water bodies that act as drinking water supplies to nearby communities.  

Framework for nontargeted investigation of contaminants released by wildfires into stormwater runoff: Case study in the northern San Francisco Bay area.

Chang, D.; Richardot, W.; Miller, E.; Dodder, N.; Sedlak, M.; Hoh, E.; Sutton, R. 2021. Framework for nontargeted investigation of contaminants released by wildfires into stormwater runoff: Case study in the northern San Francisco Bay area. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management . SFEI Contribution No. 1044.

Wildfires can be extremely destructive to communities and ecosystems. However, the full scope of the ecological damage is often hard to assess, in part due to limited information on the types of chemicals introduced to affected landscapes and waterways. The objective of this study was to establish a sampling, analytical, and interpretive framework to effectively identify and monitor contaminants of emerging concern in environmental water samples impacted by wildfire runoff. A nontargeted analysis consisting of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC/TOF-MS) was conducted on stormwater samples from watersheds in the City of Santa Rosa and Sonoma and Napa Counties, USA, after the three most destructive fires during the October 2017 Northern California firestorm. Chemicals potentially related to wildfires were selected from the thousands of chromatographic features detected through a screening method that compared samples from fire-impacted sites versus unburned reference sites. This screening led to high confidence identifications of 76 potentially fire-related compounds. Authentic standards were available for 48 of these analytes, and 46 were confirmed by matching mass spectra and GC × GC retention times. Of these 46 compounds, 37 had known commercial and industrial uses as intermediates or ingredients in plastics, personal care products, pesticides, and as food additives. Nine compounds had no known uses or sources and may be oxidation products resulting from burning of natural or anthropogenic materials. Preliminary examination of potential toxicity associated with the 46 compounds, conducted via online databases and literature review, indicated limited data availability. Regional comparison suggested that more structural damage may yield a greater number of unique, potentially wildfire-related compounds. We recommend further study of post-wildfire runoff using the framework described here, which includes hypothesis-driven site selection and nontargeted analysis, to uncover potentially significant stormwater contaminants not routinely monitored after wildfires and inform risk assessment. 

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