CARI is a Geographic Information System (GIS) dataset of surface waters and their riparian areas consisting of polygon and line features with data-rich attributes that can be used for developing broad- or fine-scale landscape summaries of aquatic features. CARI is a seamless statewide map compiled from multiple data sources and standardized to a common classification system. This statewide dataset provides the best available map of state surface waters and serves as the base map in EcoAtlas to coordinate monitoring and assessment at the landscape scale across federal, state, and local agencies, while providing enough detail to inform local land use planning. 

Contents include:

Background and purpose
CARI mapping standards, such as source data requirements, mapping scale, target mapping units, projection/datum, metadata, and descriptions of CARI fields
California Aquatic Resource Classification System (CARCS) / CARI classification codes and descriptions
Stewardship and data dissemination
Regional Aquatic Resource Inventory documents as well as crosswalks to major input datasets

Additional Relevant Information:

CARI Project Page

PDF icon CARI SOP v 3.0 - July 20243.89 MB