Aquatic Communities Assessment monitoring stations are as follows:

Site C: Located in Mud Slough upstream from the point of discharge from the SLD. This site represents an area that received drain water before the GBP, to be reflective of drainage water removal post-project.

Site D: Located in Mud Slough downstream of the discharge point from the SLD, this site represents conditions existing immediately downstream of the discharge point.

Site E: Located in Mud Slough between the discharge point from the SLD and the San Joaquin River, this site represents the conditions existing within the system before it is discharged to the San Joaquin River.

Site F: Located in Salt Slough, this station represents conditions within the system reflective of drainage water removal.

Site G and H: Located in the San Joaquin River upstream of Mud Slough, and downstream of Mud Slough respectively, these stations represent varying drainage water influences within River.

Site I: Located in an historically seasonally inundated backwater area on Mud Slough downstream of the SLD discharge, this site represents conditions in a low flow depositional habitat relatively close to the point of discharge into Mud Slough.